


I’ve really been missing my family lately. Almost all of them live in Sweden and I don’t have the chance to see them a lot. I love them really bad! When I go to visit, our favourite thing to do is, of course, to practise Sweden’s national sport… FIKA!!! HAHAHA It consists of sitting for hours, having one or ten coffees and bakeries. Can’t get any better.

Let me introduce you to the best Japanese fish-shaped waffles!!!

How can we not fall for those lovely little fish-shaped waffles? Almost impossible. They make me feel like a child again and I love it! Of course, you can have ordinary waffles and top them with whatever you want, but taking a bite in a Taiyaki filled with melted chocolate beats everything! Yep! I’m a baby girl! HAHAHA!!! And you know what’s the best news here? You don’t have to stop at chocolate, you can fill your little Taiyakis with anything you want. How great is this!!!

The first time I saw these little pieces of heaven we were in Napoli. I stopped right in front of the window of the bakery. I was totally charmed! Now, when I think about it … I realize how stupid I was because I didn’t try them there. Nope! Instead, I took a picture to make sure I would never forget and I continued walking. This is one of my biggest problems when I’m travelling. I don’t want to miss a thing. We walk as much as we can, all day long, to discover the city and sometimes we realize it’s happy hours and we spent the whole day without having a single bite. On top of that, most of the time we can’t make it back to where we found something because … we simply can’t find it back. I know it’s CRIMINAL with so much amazing food to try everywhere. That being said, I can’t wait to visit Italy again and taste Pignolis there and compare them with mine. Honestly… I’m not worried!

The star bread is a magnificence! We love it so much. Jean-Felix can eat the whole thing all by himself! Yes, he eats like a baby dinosaur! Ha-Ha-Ha! The most amazing with this recipe is that as soon as you know how to make the dough and the shape, you can flavour it with whatever you want. I made it with sugar, spices and butter but you can put your favourite jam, chocolate, or even better, you can make it salty! Pesto, nuts, ham, cheese… You see me coming, right? I think it won’t be my only star bread on this blog! So I will let you enjoy this one and we’ll see what will be the next one! This is sooooooooo GOOD!!!