


When I bought this embossed rolling pin on Etsy I was very eager to receive it! I mean, I love butter cookies! I have plenty pastry cutters to shape then according to my mood but this little thing … it seemed next level! I let you judge by yourself but to me, it really did the trick. The prettiest butter cookies I’ve ever made 😊 Oh! Did I mention that it came with a recipe? I usually don’t try the recipes found on the back of a box but I had a different feeling about this one. I was right. I didn’t change a thing and it was PERFECT! So with no further ado, here it is.

When Sefra and I announced our friends and family that we would start a blog about food and cocktails, many asked us if we would do cocktail and food pairing. Even if I think that sometimes cocktails can be great friends with food, I honestly think that wine is so much better. Bottom line, my answer to this question was “no” unless I really feel for it and guess what? Today I feel for it.

The first time I saw these little pieces of heaven we were in Napoli. I stopped right in front of the window of the bakery. I was totally charmed! Now, when I think about it … I realize how stupid I was because I didn’t try them there. Nope! Instead, I took a picture to make sure I would never forget and I continued walking. This is one of my biggest problems when I’m travelling. I don’t want to miss a thing. We walk as much as we can, all day long, to discover the city and sometimes we realize it’s happy hours and we spent the whole day without having a single bite. On top of that, most of the time we can’t make it back to where we found something because … we simply can’t find it back. I know it’s CRIMINAL with so much amazing food to try everywhere. That being said, I can’t wait to visit Italy again and taste Pignolis there and compare them with mine. Honestly… I’m not worried!