This week marks the end of the first year for Truffles On The Rocks and, of course, the start of the second one! What a year it was! So many achievements, so much work and, of course … lots of fun. It’s what matters the most in the end … am I right?
When we started Truffles On The Rocks, we were trying to find the perfect way to mix work and travel while having fun with our common passions: food and cocktails. It was not easy to make all our wishes come true, but we made it!
During that year we met amazing people. People who trusted us and with whom we built strong relationships. For that, we feel blessed. We can’t thank them enough for being part of our big adventure because without them, all of this would make no sense.
So here we are, in Bordeaux, celebrating our first year. We wanted to make a huge cheer to you guys. Our followers, you are the reason why we are doing all of this. Thank you for being there, thank you for your support and thank you for the love. Can’t wait to share more with you and believe us … it’s plenty more to come.
Love you!!!
Sefra & Jean-Félix

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